Preserving the holy dust of Vrindavan since 1996
For a greener, cleaner Vrindavan - Join hands with Friends of Vrindavan.
Safeguarding Vrindavan's ecosystems through environmental stewardship
Nurturing a sustainable Vrindavan through environmental awareness and action
Creating harmony between nature and spirituality in Vrindavan
To preserve and enhance the ecology of Vraja, focusing on Vrindavan, including forests, water bodies, sanitation etc. in order to protect its culture and traditional way of life for the general good of the community.
To advance the awareness of the general public, particularly in the region of Vraja, focusing on Vrindavan, by way of education and through improving the ecology of Vraja, as a focus for understanding sacred values and cultural traditions
To advance the awareness of the general public particularly children, by way of education and by encouraging them to undertake practical environmental projects, such as planting, preserving and protecting trees.
To conduct research into ecological practices appropriate to Vraja, focusing on Vrindavan, and to publish and disseminate that research for the benefit of the general public.